P - Prayer is a two way process. Like when you are talking with someone, one person speaks while the other listens. When we talk to God, He always listens. But sometimes when God talks to us, we refuse to listen. Sometimes we need...
S - Silence. We need to silence to clearly understand what God is trying to tell us. Then God sends...
S - Sharing. A friend to whom you can open your problems to make someone feel accepted. When you try to open your problem to a friend yo will then have a clearer mind. And you can now understand what God tries to tell you. You then gain...
T - Trust. You will have trust in God once you open yourself to Him. Your faith will be stronger and you will be more confident that someone is there to help you. But, when dark times come...
Teka Muna (Stop for a while) - Stop and go back again to God. Always remember that when you are troubled, God is always there to help you. Say a little prayer and always think positively. Know that God's Grace is abundant, God is generous, God is merciful and God is there for you.
1 comment:
Keep up the good work. I'm proud of you!
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